Online seminar Simulation & Education

Join us on Thursday the 21st of October for an insightful online German Seminar Simulation & Education.

During this seminar our simulation experts and guest speakers will discuss the following topics:

  • Digital Twin; the role of simulation in baggage handling at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
  • Simulation at HTL Leoben
  • Future developments of Enterprise Dynamics®

The program:

14:00 – 14:20            Welcome, introduction
Margit Thomsen, InControl
What does InControl do for their educational customers?

14:20–15:00               Digital Twin; the role of simulation in baggage handling at Schiphol
Harry Bunnik, InControl and Han Mackor, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

15:00 – 15:15            Break (15minutes)

15:15 – 16:00            Simulation at HTL Leoben                  
Dr. Thomas Messner, HTL Leoben, Austria
Experiences using Enterprise Dynamics® in simulation & education

16:00 –16:30             Enterprise Dynamics 10.4 release + Futures developments
Harry Bunnik, Product manager Enterprise Dynamics InControl                                                Han Mackor, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

16:30 – 17:00            Discussion – What do educational customers need from Enterprise Dynamics
Discussion with participants



Do you want to follow this online seminar? Register here! 

Please note that this Online Seminar will be in German. 

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