Besides optimizing processes and procedures to create a better and more efficient experience specific attention to the actual human perspective and perception of customers is of extreme importance. This is why we propose a tailored and layered proposition, combining CX, Wayfinding and Capacity/Data management into one integrated offer. Thoughtful and personalized, it will form the key ingredient of an ultimate customer experience.
The best way to explain this is to look at time, and specifically at the passing of time. Time is an absolute value however the experience of time can be something completely different. It can be influenced by creating experiences, adding sensorial elements, creating anticipation and much more.
These specific experience layers are of extreme importance to use throughout the whole customer journey and every touchpoint, it can also create unique brand and business value besides positive memories resulting in loyal returning customers.
Contact information
Frank van Poeteren
CCO InControl
Aad Kalkman
Managing Director Mijksenaar
Gideon Ruig
In this section you can find more information about the three organizations:
Simulation Video Showcase